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Meet the Team: Kelly Churney

Q + A with Kelly Churney, our Director of Communications

Job Responsibilities: I manage all of our social media channels, write copy for our website and newsletter, help with any editing needs, and help clients optimize their social media!

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Fashion Designer

Early bird or night owl? Honestly neither! On a perfect day, I would wake up around 9 a.m. and go to bed around 10 p.m.

What activities energize you? Taking walks and riding my bike, spending time outside with family and friends, and laughing as much as possible!

What’s the soundtrack to your life? 525,600 minutes from RENT

Best trip you’ve ever taken…A Mediterranean cruise for my honeymoon!  We went to Italy, Croatia, Montenegro and Greece!

Are you currently bingeing any shows? Everything on Bravo – especially real housewives on repeat haha!

What three words would your friends use to describe you?Compassionate, funny and genuine

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